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NECAN and Ocean Acidification News in the Northeast- April 2015

Stakeholder Engagement: Maine workshop a success, Massachusetts to follow
NECAN has been busy planning workshops to inform and learn from fishermen, clam harvesters, aquaculturists, and coastal water quality programs regarding ocean and coastal acidification. The first workshop, held in Maine on December 10, meeting summary can be found here. The next workshop in the series will be on April 27 for Southern Massachusetts. This is an invitation only event as space is very limited. If you are interested in learning more about the workshop or have any questions, please contact Cassie Stymiest at cassie@neracoos.org. Subsequent workshops are being planned to occur in the next few months for Northern Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Maritime Canada, and the New York Bight area.

SOARCE Webinars
The Sharing Ocean Acidification Resources for Communicators and Educators (SOARCE) webinar series provides ocean acidification communication tools to formal & informal educators and stakeholders across the country. The next webinar will be “Ocean Acidification: Dangers and Demonstrations” on April 30, presented by Scott Doney Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution & Jim Foley, Center for Microbial Oceanography: Research & Education.  For more information about these webinars and to register, visit the NOAA OAP website.

SOCAN: The Southeast Ocean and Coastal Acidification Network
Similar in structure to NERACOOS and NECAN, SECOORA and the NOAA OAP are facilitating the formation of the Southeast Ocean and Coastal Acidification Network (SOCAN) to support and encourage discussions on ocean and coastal acidification in the Southeast region.  SOCAN will enhance collaborations and communications throughout the region about ocean and coastal acidification regional drivers; approaches to monitoring; state-of- the science; and vulnerable species and ecosystems; among other concerns. Join SOCAN's listserv today to receive updates about webinars, resources, and other news. They are currently hosting a webinar series, the next on May 5.

NECAN members have been out and about this spring attending various meetings in the region, including: Helmuth Thomas at the MEOPAR Ocean Acidification Expert Forum February 18-19, Beth Turner at the ASLO Aquatic Sciences meeting February 22-27, Esperanza Stancioff at the Maine Sustainability and Water Conference on March 31, Ru Morrison at the Long Island Sound Citizen’s Summit April 10, and most recently Ivy Mlsna with a poster at the NEERS Spring Meeting on April 16-18. 

Upcoming Meetings
CERF abstract submission deadline is May 1, where there are several ocean acidification sessions related to overall conference "Grand Challenge" theme of "Synergistic effects of ocean acidification with hypoxia, eutrophication or other conditions".


If you have any updates you’d like shared with NECAN, please email cassie@neracoos.org


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